For Teens

Physical Collection
Our Young Adult collection is in the north end of the building, except for new material. New YA fiction is located on the semi circle shelf in the south end of the buliding with the rest of the the new material. Our graphic novels and manga collections are shelved with our YA collection. If you have a book you would like us to consider buying, please fill out the contact form and let us know!
We have hard copies of the ACT and SAT test prep books as well as scholarship listings and career guides.
Teens are also welcome to browse our DVD and adult collections. If you need to get a library card, click here.
Online Resources
We have a number of resources available online for high school and college students. Below are some that are of particular interest, but you can see the entire list here. If you try to access a resource and you don't have the login informaiton, please give us a call.