Avoiding Scams

Scams happen in many way and are constantly changing. Here is a collection of links and information from trusted sources. Scroll down for information on online scams, phone scams, and Coronavirus scams.


Things to Know

Avoiding Scams 101 - General scam information from the Federal Trade Commission.

Common Scams and Crimes - Provided by the FBI

Common Scams and Frauds - Provided by usa.gov.

Current Scam Alerts - Updated by the FTC.

Sign up for AARP Fraud Watchdog Alerts via email or text

Online Scams

General Information:

Keeping Kids Safe Online

Common Scams:

Avoiding Phising Scams - FTC 

Romance Scams - Beware online dating scams 

Hacked? - How to tell and what to do next


Phone Scams

General Information:

FTC: How to Avoid Phone Scams

AARP: Phone Scams

FTC: What to Do If You Were Scammed


National Do Not Call Registry - Register your land line or mobile number. This won't stop all calls.

How to Block Unwanted Calls

Call Blocking Tools and Resources

Android Call Blocking Apps - CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association)

iOS (Apple/iPhone) Call Blocking Apps - CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association)

Common Scams:

AARP: Social Security Phone Scam - The Social Security Administration will NEVER ask for you SSN over the phone. More info in this article.

AARP: Grandparent Scam - It may not be your grandchild asking you to wire that money.

AARP: Tech Support Scam - Be wary of that unsollicited call or pop-up.

Coronavirus Scams