Internet & Computer Use

As part of Maquoketa Public Library's mission of serving the educational, cultural, and recreational needs of the community, we offer in-house public access computers and high­speed wireless access to the Internet. The goal of the Library's policies regarding the internet, as well as print and other media, is to allow all Library users as much freedom and privacy as possible within legal and practical limits, to keep children and adults safe, and to honor the concerns of parents and others regarding objectionable and potentially harmful images and information.

1.    All patrons wishing to access the internet via the public computers or the library’s Wi-Fi connection must accept the guidelines before being granted access.

2.    The Library will make Internet access available to all Library patrons and guests to the library via their library card numbers or a guest pass using a public computer.

3.    The Library respects the right of parents to decide which materials are appropriate for their children, for this reason parents or guardians are responsible for monitoring the use of the Internet by children 7 and younger.

4.    No filtering software is presently in place.

Internet and Computer Use Guidelines

By using a public computer or connecting to the Internet using the library’s Wi-Fi, patrons agree to the following:

1.      The Library supports the right to privacy and confidentiality of its patrons and maintains no records of what the patron views. Internet history on the public computers is cleared at the end of the day. For privacy, users may wish to clear the history before ending their sessions.

2.      Due to the special nature of the Internet, the Library accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, appropriateness or legality of the text and graphics accessed by Library users.

3.      As is the case with other materials in the library's collection, any restriction of a child's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian. The Maquoketa Public Library cannot act as a censor or substitute parent.  It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the oversight to ensure their children's use of the Internet in a safe and appropriate manner, including the proper use of expensive computer equipment.

4.      Users may print for a fee of 15 cents per page for black and white and 50 cents for color, larger page sizes are an addition 5 cents per page.

5.      Users may save files to their own flash drive or cloud service. Though the Library has installed virus-scanning software, the user must accept responsibility for potential viruses acquired in this fashion. No software may be loaded onto the Library’s computers. Users are encouraged not to save any personal files to the computer.

6.      The Library uses security software to protect the operating system settings; any attempt by Library users to damage Library hardware or software will result in suspension or revocation of privileges.

Illegal or improper use of the Library’s Internet connections will result in denial of privileges on a temporary or permanent basis.  Due to the proximity of the public access computers to areas frequented by children, and because children are not restricted to the Children’s Library, Library staff members will intervene if they observe anyone accessing sites that appear to be obscene or pornographic, or if such behavior is reported to them.  Users will be asked to exit such websites immediately and may be subject to further action.

Revised May 2003, December 2006, December 2008, February 2012, February 2019